Thursday, September 23, 2010


When you are presented with a road with two paths, it is harder than anyone would like to think to choose which path to follow. However the paths come to you, whether they suddenly appear out of the blue or you’ve seen them in the distance drawing nearer for a long time, they have always been there. It’s when you finally choose to see the alternative path that things get hard. Of course one would like to think that they would take the adventurous path over the safe path, but when you really think about it the safe path is underestimated. The safe path is warm and comfortable. There are no potholes or unexpected turns. You never get lost along the way, and if you do there is always someone there to point you in the right direction. People are looked down upon for taking the safe path, but the safe path is nice, and the safe path can make you happy, a wonderfully consistent kind of happy. But though the safe path leads a life of security the truth is it leads to a life of suppression and boredom too, and those who take it usually regret it. The adventurous path is scary, even terrifying for those who have taken it before and gotten horribly lost on it. The adventurous path can be amazingly exciting one moment, and terribly lonely the next. You go from feeling full of life to barely living in a split second. The adventurous path gives you your highest highs and you lowest lows. The adventurous path often ends in disaster, but every once in a while a miracle happens and it leads to a life most only dream about. And though people look upon those who take the adventurous path with admiration, the truth is those who take the path usually regret it. Those who take the adventurous path sit alone in a bar and wonder how happy they’d be if they had taken the safe path. At the same time, those who took the safe path stare out their windows and wonder how happy they’d be if they had taken the adventurous path. At any rate, even if you think you can, you can’t go back. Once you have chosen your path you have chosen for good. If you choose the safe path and later decide you made a mistake, the opening to the adventurous path will have closed up for you. If you choose the adventurous path and later decide you made a mistake, all of the things that made the safe path safe will no longer be there for you. So which do you choose?

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