Thursday, September 23, 2010

Until I met him, I did not know about love, that it could be too amazing, too devastating, too great, too terrible, too perfect, too sad. That there could be too little at the right time, too much at the wrong time, and vice versa.
I did not know that love coming at the very start of summer, can feel like years of longing relieved, and take you by surprise all at once.
I had not seen a long, slow love like this, lying for hours under the summer stars, whispering promises that laid out a life of bliss.
Until I saw the most vicious fights and struggled to hang on, I had forgotten why everyone I knew had so much bitterness towards love.
I had not seen the hurt, and the pain, and the sadness; a path of slow devastation leading to a heart broken into a thousand pieces, shards and fragments of broken love scattered. I had not seen that pure joy could go so quickly to pure sadness. I had not seen the tears flowing in an incessant stream.
I had not realized that a deep, unexplainable love at just the right time, a love that changes you, a surreal, perfect love is more than a blessing. It’s a miracle.
Someone once asked me if I would give it all back to avoid the pain that I see now. “No.” I answered. “Well then,” they said, “you’ve seen love.”

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