Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why I Made This Blog

I love writing. Not writing essays about the Cold War, or writing news stories about the car crash on 1-5, or writing lab reports about the palouse water sheds, but real writing. Some may call all of those things I just listed "real" writing but I disagree. I think that real writing comes from the soul. It comes from your real life experiences and the ones you see in your head. It comes from your strongest emotions: happiness, sadness, elation, devastation. It comes from the recurring dream you have that you can never quite grasp until one day you're finally able to put it on paper. It comes from hopes, and wishes. It comes from day dreams and secrets you are dieing to tell. It comes from that sudden feeling you have to write about something in specific, or anything at all. It comes from observing a stranger and trying to guess their story. It comes from anything inspiring. It comes from laughter and smiles. It comes from love and heartbreak. It comes from something you wan't so badly to tell the world directly, but instead subtly suggest it. I have been writing for a while and I hope to continue writing, but one thing I've never done is share my writing with the world. Even if I only ever get one reader, that's okay, because I love to write, and maybe my writing can inspire you to write too. :)

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